“Prediction Professor” foresees a Trump impeachment

Victoria Backle
Staff Writer
The man who predicted the election results for the last thirty-two years has now stated that Donald Trump has a very good chance of being impeached.
Dr. Allan Lichtman, also known as the “Prediction Professor”, has accurately anticipated the outcome of every election since 1984, including this 2016 election. Lichtman uses a set of thirteen questions, what he calls the “Keys to the White House”, to determine who will win the election.
In September, Lichtman told The Washington Post that the keys for this election year pointed narrowly to a Trump victory. Whether or not readers wanted to believe the prediction, Lichtman was correct.
In a recent interview with CNN reporter Erin Burnett, Lichtman stated, “My prediction is, based on my gut, that there’s a very good chance that Donald Trump could face impeachment.”
When Burnett pointed out that most of Lichtman’s assumptions were based on allegations, he responded by telling her that Trump has well-documented run-ins with the law, including an illegal charity, sexual assault, and breaking the Cuban Embargo.
“Throughout his life, he has played fast and loose with the law,” noted Lichtman.
Burnett asked whether Lichtman believed that a Republican House and Senate would ever move forward with an impeachment of Trump.
“The Republicans are nervous about Donald Trump,” Lichtman asserted, “He’s a loose cannon. Nobody knows what he really believes or where he stands. The Republicans would vastly prefer to have Mike Pence.”
No one knows what the outcome of a Trump Presidency will be. Some are fearful for the coming years, while others remain hopeful about Trump’s economic plans. Whether Lichtman’s “gut” will be right this time will soon be determined.
Copyright The Gayly - 11/16/2016 @ 1:42 p.m. CST. All rights reserved.