“Star Trek Beyond” features a gay Mr. Sulu

by Rob Howard
Associate Editor
The original Star Trek series included George Takei playing Mr. Hikaru Sulu way back in 1966. In the original Mr. Sulu is heterosexual. In the upcoming Star Trek Beyond Mr. Sulu, played by actor John Cho, is gay.
“John Cho…said that his character has a daughter and a partner, making him the first openly gay character in Star Trek franchise history,” says Variety.com.
According to Seth Kelley, writing for Variety, “Writer Simon Pegg and director Justin Lin made the decision as a nod to George Takei, who came out in 2005, and has been a notable LGBT activist.”
And indeed, since coming out, George Takei has been an awesome LGBT activist and advocate. But, George Takei isn’t happy with the news that in the new version of Star Trek, his character is gay.
According to Rolling Stone, “the actor has stated that he wishes that the reboot hadn't taken liberties with the character painstakingly conceived by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.”
Takei told Rolling Stone that Roddenberry, although a strong supporter of LGBT equality, envisioned Sula as heterosexual.
Writer, actor, and Trekkie Simon Pegg, who is co-writer for Star Trek Beyond, although noting his “huge love and respect” for Takei, defended Sulu’s new sexual orientation.
In written remarks to The Guardian, he said, “’Our Trek is an alternate timeline with alternate details,’ Pegg added. ‘Whatever magic ingredient determines our sexuality was different for Sulu in our timeline.”
Other members of the cast also applauded the addition of a gay character. Openly gay actor Zachary Quinto, who play Mr. Spock, applauded the addition of a gay character to the storyline. He was disappointed that Takei wasn’t on board with the tribute intended for him.
Star Trek Beyond opens in theaters July 22nd.
The Gayly – July 11, 2016 @ 1:40 p.m.