1st ever! Rodeo School – Rodeo in the Rock 2017

Have you ever wanted to learn how to twirl and throw a lasso and maybe rope a calf? How about learning how to decorate a steer or chute dogging? Or riding a steer and learning about Ranch Saddle Bronc riding?
Your opportunity has arrived on April 28-30. Arkansas’ very own Diamond State Rodeo Association (DSRA) holds our 26th Gay Rodeo in Little Rock, AR, sanctioned by the International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA). We’ll offer three days of country and western activities with meet-n-greet events, IGRA Royalty entertainment, bouncy horse races, our 2nd Annual Gary Williams Memorial Jackpot Barrel Race (Friday, 7pm) combined with two days of rodeo competition and performances by riders from all over the United States and Canada.
Proceeds will be donated to Out in the Woods Animal Rescue and the Center for Artistic Revolution (CAR) Youth Program. Rodeo in the Rock 2017 will be held at the Arkansas State Fairgrounds Equestrian Center, 2600 Howard Street. For complete schedule, pertinent information and to register for our 1st ever Rodeo School, check out www.dsra.org.
We are prepared to welcome all who come with Southern hospitality…and offer you some Apple Pie Moonshine while you’re here.
The Gayly – April 12, 2017 @ 11:10 a.m.