21st annual Red Tie Night calls for “AIDS-free generation”

Stacey Ford Stiglets, Jim Roth 2013 co-chairs
Oklahoma City— Reaching the age of 21 is often a cause for celebration; in the case of Red Tie Night and the Oklahoma AIDS Care Fund (OACF), it is a definite coming-of-age event. This year the 21st Annual Red Tie Night will be held Saturday, March 2, beginning at 6pm in Oklahoma City’s Cox Center.
Red Tie Night is the sole fundraiser for the OACF; proceeds from the event help support agencies throughout Oklahoma who provide HIV prevention and clinical services to those living with and who are at risk for HIV/AIDS.
Co-chairs for 2013 are Stacey Ford Stiglets and Jim Roth.
“I am so proud of the incredible work being done by OACF-funded agencies,” Stiglets said. “That work would not be possible without the tremendous support of this community. Together, we will win this fight against HIV/AIDS.”
Calling for an “AIDS-Free Generation,” the OACF is grateful for its volunteer base who organizes each year’s Red Tie Night. Perhaps more importantly, they want to thank the patrons who continue their unwavering support.
“Oklahoma’s incredible generosity for the past 21 years has helped ensure dignity, vital health services and prevention for thousands of people living with HIV/AIDS,” Roth said, “and for many thousands more who have avoided infection through education and awareness.”
By the end of 2011, the last year for which statistics are available, more than 8,700 cases of HIV/AIDS were diagnosed among Oklahoma residents, according to the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
Also in 2011, nearly 400 new cases of HIV/AIDS were diagnosed in Oklahoma—a 27 percent increase from 2010. Between 2002 and 2011, the number of newly diagnosed AIDS cases decreased by 13 percent, while new HIV cases increased 82 percent.
As a result, the OACF-funded education projects are working aggressively to stem the increasing tide of infections.
The OACF continues to provide valuable resources that promote HIV testing, education and follow-up. Individuals who are infected receive support with medication, housing, food, legal aid and other important services that ensure long-term care.
In 2012, the OACF awarded grants totaling more than $637,000 to 15 agencies throughout Oklahoma.
“Together our work continues with the goal of achieving an AIDS-free generation in the coming years. We can save lives together. We appreciate your support and offer a heart-felt ‘thank you,’” Roth added.
Red Tie Night is held annually the first Saturday in March. The OACF was formed in 1991 by Jackie and Barbara Cooper, and the first Red Tie Night was held in 1992. The event has netted more than $15 million dollars throughout its history, with 100 percent of the proceeds remaining in Oklahoma.
For additional information on Red Tie Night or the OACF, phone 405.348.6600 or visit the website at www.okaidscarefund.com