7 Ted Talks on Coming Out

It's #NationalComingOutDay! For so many, this day inspires the courage needed to show the world who they truly are. This day is often filled with happiness, tears, celebration and relief.
If you are not out yet, let this serve as a reminder that you are not alone. You are loved and supported by people across the globe. You deserve to be comfortable and happy. When you are ready, an entire community is waiting to embrace you with acceptance and encouragement.
Additional links for National Coming Out Day:
Emotional time capsule: My vintage coming out story
Beyond the closet: Manifesting our “outness”
The relief of 20 years of secrets
Coming out; each time a big moment
Powerful documentary depicts coming out in the Bible Belt
If you are still finding your way, that's okay. Don't feel rushed. #NCOD is not meant to be a catapult that flings you into a world you are not quite ready to enter.
If you need some additional encouragement or inspiration, watch these seven Ted Talks. A combined 92 minutes of inspiring stories.
The Gayly – October 11, 2017 @ 10:14 a.m. CST.