Action needed: SB1140 resurrected to original verbiage

By Jordan Redman
An amended version of SB 1140, a bill that would allow religious-based adoption agencies to discriminate against same-sex couples, single people and non-Christians passed in the Oklahoma House Judiciary Committee. The bill passed with 13 yeas and 6 nays.
The bill passed after Representative Osborn introduced an amendment to deny state and federal funding to any agency that discriminates.
Representative Dunlap introduced another amendment this morning to reverse Osborn's amendment.
"By deleting 'receiving neither federal nor state funds,' says Dunlap's amendment.
Representative Walke has also introduced two amendments this morning in an effort to defeat the bill.
The bill would cover child-placing agencies that block adoptive parents who do not meet the agencies' religious or moral standards while still allowing the agencies to receive government funding.
Read more:
Stop SB 1140 before it gets to the Oklahoma House floor
Discriminatory SB 1140 heads to Oklahoma House Judiciary Committee
Senator Pittman responds to criticism over SB 1140 vote
Controversial SB 1140 passes in Oklahoma Senate
"To the extent allowed by federal law, no private child placing agency shall be required to perform, assist, counsel, recommend, consent to, refer, or participate in any placement of a child for foster care or adoption when the proposed placement would violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions or policies," Section one of SB 1140. Read the full bill here.
Find your Representative here.
It will be up for a full vote on Wednesday or Thursday.
The Gayly. April 23, 2018. 1:22 p.m. CST.