Add the Words campaign in Idaho

The Add the Words Campaign seeks to add "sexual orientation" and "gender identy" to Idaho's anti-discrimination law. File photo.

Boise, Idaho (AP) — Idaho lawmakers have essentially killed a bill that would create protections for gay and lesbian people, once again blocking attempts by gay rights supporters to amend the state's anti-discrimination law.

The House State Affairs Committee —made up of the Legislature's most conservative lawmakers— voted 13-4 to hold the bill in committee. Democrats voted in favor of the bill.

The proposal would have included the words "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" in the state's Human Rights Act. The law already bans discrimination based on race, sex, color, religion and national origin in situations like housing or employment.

Currently, 19 states have passed anti-discrimination laws that include sexual-orientation and gender-identity protections. Meanwhile, 10 Idaho cities have bypassed waiting on the state by approving their own anti-discrimination ordinances.

By Kimberlee Kruesi, Associated Press. Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

The Gayly – January 29, 2015 @ 12:30pm.