Alabama committee delays vote on bill for LGBT hiring protections

Montgomery, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama Senate committee delayed a vote on a bill that would protect gay, lesbian and transgendered state employees from discrimination in the workplace.
The Senate Government Affairs Committee briefly debated the bill Thursday.
Republican Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh says he considers the bill an economic development issue by sending a message that Alabama does not tolerate discrimination in state government. Marsh says he brought the bill at the request of the business community.
Marsh said sexual orientation and expression would be added to prohibitions against discrimination based on age, race or ethnicity.
Some GOP committee members asked to delay a vote.
Sen Phil Williams says he opposed a "protected class" and it needs a public hearing.
Marsh says it deals only with state hiring, not private businesses.
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The Gayly – May 21, 2015 @ 11:50am.