April 2018 astrology highlights and horoscopes

by Josh Rutledge
Zodiac Columnist
April 15 - New moon in Aries. Mercury goes direct.
April 17 - Saturn goes retrograde.
April 19 - Sun enters Taurus.
April 22 - Pluto goes retrograde. Happy Earth Day!
April 29 - Full moon in Scorpio.
Happy birthday Aries and Taurus.
Aries: You may be getting an earful from a family member or close friend. There is synchronization here. Listen to the deep feelings shared. This new wave of emotional healing may give you the prospects in your business and partnerships you need.
Taurus: Wow, there is some intense inspiration, radical change and increase in your life this month! You are being put in the spotlight, so own it. Other people will want to be around you. A wonderful feeling of joy and abundance is here for you. Ask and receive.
Gemini: There may be some heavy changes happening in your career or work leaving you feeling frustrated. It’s okay to feel this way. The universe is wanting to transition you to the next phase in this area of life. Compassion is given to strengthen you during this time.
Cancer: Are you ready to take charge, and watch things sail? April is an excellent month for you to explore. Some of you may feel like relocating or going out of town. It is an auspicious time for you to experience new perspectives and physical changes as the options will benefit you.
Leo: Is that big opportunity so close you can smell it? It’s Leo. By unifying with the right people who match your vibration, you’ll be catapulted into success, but only through unity. Your success wants to expand beyond your limitations. You are ready and worthy of this.
Virgo: Stating and setting boundaries with close relations is being asked of you. Someone may hurt your feelings this month. Express your pain. Say what you mean, but don’t say it mean.
Libra: This month you are being asked to deal with and remove the sneaky and untrue relationships from your life. Your vision for the future is in expanse mode. Some of you might be growing a creative endeavor or business beyond your community.
Scorpio: Give yourself some intense relaxation time especially in the first week of April. This act will give you powerful cleansing bringing amazing new ideas! You can simply speak what you desire into existence during this time.
Sagittarius: Some of you may be furthering commitments to romantic and business partnerships. This month is a very lucky month for you to achieve recognition. Have some fun! Whatever is being carried out for each of you is causing others to rejoice, too.
Capricorn: Your career and its progression are completely in the hands of the universe. Sitting back and allowing opportunities and connections to come to you, will prove most beneficial.
Aquarius: You have the green light in moving forward with any contracts right now. There is a compassionate and fair person meeting you. This new relationship is going to bring you joy and prosperity.
Pisces: Are you torn between something? A decision is going to be made for you which will move you in a different direction. Some of you might go through some material loss, but it’s a loss you can handle. You are being pushed to walk a new path.
The Gayly. April 2, 2018. 9:43 a.m. CST.