Baptists urge Greenville SC church to repent after gay marriage
Greenville, S.C. (AP) — Two Baptist groups have urged a Greenville church to repent after its pastor performed a same-sex wedding off campus.
The Greenville News reported that the Greenville Baptist Association and the South Carolina Baptist Convention recently voted to end their relationship with Augusta Heights Baptist Church.
Augusta Heights pastor Greg Dover said he received permission from his deacons to marry two men away from the church property.
Both the local Baptist group and the state denomination say Augusta Heights must repent in order to reconcile with them. The groups cite the "Baptist Faith and Message 2000," a testament to Baptist beliefs that states marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Dover said the church itself has taken no position and has no plan to conduct a vote.
Information from: The Greenville News, Greenville, SC.
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The Gayly – November 24, 2015 @ 7:35 a.m.