Bernie Sanders’ name to be placed in nomination at the DNC

Bernie Sanders speaks in Albany, N.Y. before the Democratic National Convention on Monday. (AP Photo/Mike Groll)

By Grace Babb
Journalism Intern

Senator Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton last week, urging his followers to unite and vote for his primary season rival, who has all but clinched the Democratic nomination.

His supporters were less than pleased, with unsupportive Twitter and Facebook responses firing from keyboards left and right.

Sanders appeared at the Democratic National Convention on Monday afternoon, speaking to his supporters at a rally about how electing Clinton is the only way Republican candidate Donald Trump will be stopped.

Boos and yelling erupted from the crowd in response.

After Sanders finished his speech, his wife, Jane, approached him to whisper some words into his ear. Through a hot mic on his collar, she was heard saying, “They don’t know your name is being put in nomination. That’s the concern.”

Earlier this week, WikiLeaks released leaked DNC emails that included information on how Clinton was given favor in the nominating process.

Following the leaks, the Democratic National Committee chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, released a statement saying that she will formally step down from her position following the convention.

Sanders supporters have hoped that this will give them the opportunity to have their voices heard.

In 2008, Clinton’s name was similarly placed into nomination after now-President Barack Obama won the primary.

According to The New York Times, it was a symbolic move, made “in an effort to soothe a lingering rift with Clinton supporters”.

According to MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin, the Sanders campaign spokesman, Michael Briggs, confirmed, “She means there will be a roll call vote and the senator’s name will be placed in nomination.”

This means that even if the roll call is unsuccessful, Sanders supporters will still be able to have their say.

Copyright 2016 The Gayly – 7 /25/16 @ 5:00 PM  CDT