Bullock takes dig at attorney general over restroom lawsuit

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) - Gov. Steve Bullock says school districts, not a judge, should figure out how to respond to rules requiring public schools to allow transgender students to use the restrooms of the gender with which they identify.
The Billings Gazette reports the remarks were a dig at Attorney General Tim Fox's decision to join nine states in suing the federal government over the rules.
Bullock, speaking to reporters in Billings Wednesday, says it's Fox's decision, but he believes local school districts can figure it out better than a federal court.
Fox said Thursday that such local control is the point of the lawsuit.
The complaint was filed in federal court in Nebraska earlier this month. The states claim the federal government's rules circumvent the law and supersede local school districts' authority on student issues.
Information from: The Billings Gazette, http://www.billingsgazette.com
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The Gayly - 7/21/2016 @ 12:57 p.m. CDT