Charlotte, NC waitress receives anti-gay message in lieu of tip
by Greg White
Staff Writer
A Charlotte, North Carolina waitress says she received an anti-gay message in lieu of a tip from one customer. Specifically, in the space for a gratuity was a reference to the Old Testament Bible verse commonly used against gay people, Leviticus 20:13.
“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination,” the King James version of the Old Testament verse reads. “They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
According to WNCN, the bottom of the receipt had a message for her as well: “Praying for you!”
The 20-year-old Judd remembers the two women at the table on Tuesday were both acting rude and ignoring her, reports The New York Daily News.
"They just wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't answer my questions," she said. "They were really off, it was just rude."
The women asked for separate checks, and one of them gave Judd a tip, albeit not a generous one. The other customer left the patronizing gratuity.
Although she never told the women that she was gay, Judd said they just assumed she was.
"I never thought people would discriminate against my sexuality that way," Judd said.
Judd scribbled out the name of the customer and posted a picture of the receipt to Facebook. The day after the receiving the insulting tip, she participated in a peaceful rally in Charlotte protesting the recently passed anti-lgbt legislation.
"It was actually amazing," she said. "People trying to make a difference and fighting back."
WNCN and The New York Daily News contributed to this report.
The Gayly- 4/15/2016 @ 5:09 PM CDT