Chelsea Clinton opens the stage for Hillary Clinton at DNC
by Sarah Boone
Journalism Intern
Chelsea Clinton opened the stage for her mother, Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention today. She begins by describing how wonderful of a grandmother and mother Hillary is.
"Wonderful, thoughtful, hilarious mother," are words Chelsea stated to describe her mother.
"My earliest memory is my mom picking me up after I had fallen down, giving me a big hug, and reading me goodnight moon. Every moment, regardless of what was happening in her life, she was always, always there for me."
She described how on the few times her mother was away for work, Hillary would leave notes for Chelsea to open each date she was gone. "They were another reminder that I was always in her thoughts and in her heart."
She went on, "Conversations around the dinner table always started with what I had learned that week."
Chelsea said that only after she was finished talking about what she had learned, her parents would then talk about the various things that were keeping them busy. "I love that my parents expected me to have opinions," she said, "and to be able to back them up with facts."
"That feeling of being valued and loved, that’s what my mom wants for every child. It is the calling of her life," Chelsea said.
She claimed that her parents raised her to know "how lucky" she was that I never had to worry about food on the table, going to a good school, or having a safe neighborhood to play in.
She said that they also taught her to "care what happens in the world" and do whatever she could to change what she thought was wrong.
"Public service is about service," Chelsea said was something else Hillary taught her as a child. "As her daughter, I've had a special window into how she serves."
She stated that she has seen Hillary holding mothers' hands who were worrying about providing for their children. She continued by saying that she has seen Hillary promise those mothers they would be able to provide for their children and then "keeping that promise."
Chelsea said Hillary did this because she knew that "for that mother - that family - that there was not a moment to lose."
She then said that she has "seen her [Hillary] at low points." She explained, "She fought her heart and she lost."
"People ask me all the time 'how does she do it?', Chelsea said. Here's how: it's because she never, ever forgets who she's fighting for...
"Fights like these, they're what keep my mother going. They grab her heart and her conscience and never let go. My mom is a listener and a doer. She has a fierce sense of justice and a heart full of love.
"This nomination, I'm voting for a woman who has spent her entire life fighting for family and children." Chelsea claimed that she is voting for Hillary, who is a woman who will protect the planet from climate change as well as gun violence. She said she's voting for the candidate "who will reform the criminal justice system" and who knows LGBT and women's rights are human rights.
She continued, "I'm voting for fighter who never gives up and believes we can do better when we come together and work together. She makes me proud every single day."
She ended her speech with, "To everyone watching here and at home, I know with all my heart that my mother will make us proud as our next president."
"This is the story of my mother, Hillary Clinton."
Video clips of Hillary's history begin. The crowd smiles and cheers.
The Gayly - 7/28/2016 @ 10:24 p.m. CDT