Clinton joins NYC pride at Stonewall Inn

by Lauren Dow
Journalism Intern
Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, joined New York’s annual gay pride parade for the last few blocks down the infamous Christopher Street.
Clinton’s march began at Seventh Avenue, a half block from the Stonewall Inn, the site of the 1969 Stonewall riots that sparked the modern Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender rights movement. President Barak Obama declared the area a national monument last week.
Clinton marched through crowds of cheering supporters, along with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Supporters chanted “Hillary! Hillary!” as she walked through the crowds posing for photos and shaking hands.
White confetti fell as an announcer on Bleeker Street declared that “the next president of the United States” had arrived.
Sunday, June 26 was the first anniversary of the Supreme Court’s rulings in favor of same-sex marriage in the United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges. The lead plaintive, Edie Windsor, endorsed Clinton saying “Hillary is the president who will fight to get us there. Because she knows what I know: Love trumps hate, the United States Constitution endures and justice will ultimately prevail."
The Gayly - 6/27/2016 @ 10:30 a.m. CDT