Important State Senate Election to be held February 14, 2012

On February 14th, Oklahoma City voters will go to the polls to choose a replacement for Senator Andrew Rice (D) OKC. Rice announced last year that he would resign his state senate district 46 seat effective January 15, 2012 in support for his wife, Dr. Apple Rice who is pursuing an out-of-state career opportunity.
Rice has held this seat since 2006 and has been a great supporter of LGBT issues in Oklahoma. This election is extremely important because it is vital to replace Senator Rice with someone who is sympathetic to the issues affecting gays and lesbians in Oklahoma. Some republican extremists are already moving to erase decades of civil rights advancements in this state and only one candidate can help stop those efforts. That candidate is Al McAffrey.
Currently representing HD 85 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, McAffrey is the first and only openly gay member of the Oklahoma legislature. He has also been endorsed by Senator Rice.
District 46 covers much of the mid-town Oklahoma City area and the area just south of I-40. This election will be held in the new district area which was recently reapportioned by the Oklahoma legislature. A map of the new district is available on the Oklahoma State Election Board website: New voter registration cards have been mailed to all registered voters with the location of the new polling places. These polling places may also be found on the election board website at
In order to vote you must bring a government issued photo I.D., your voter registration card, or be prepared to fill out a provisional ballot form as explained on the election board website. Remember to VOTE on Tuesday, February 14th.