Muskogee Little Theatre presents "Sordid Lives"

Muskogee Little Theatre proudly presents - SORDID LIVES - September 28, 29, 30 & October 4, 5, 6.
Sordid Lives is an outrageous "black comedy about white trash." The ensemble cast of Sordid Lives puts a comedic twist on a story of unconditional love, acceptance and "coming out" in a Texas family, as they all converge for the matriarch's funeral.
The eccentric characters include: a mother who is wound too tight and in denial over her gay son, a barfly/singer at the local watering hole, a cheating heart whose wooden legs accidentally aid in the death of his mistress, Peggy, a good Christian woman (and the family matriarch), in a motel room, a gay transvestite who has been in a mental institution for over 20 years, entertaining fellow patients with his impersonation of country music legend Tammy Wynette, and others too unbelievable to mention.
Chaos erupts in Winters, Texas, when the cheating heart's wife tries her hand at revenge therapy inspired by "Thelma & Louise" along with her best friend. Their lives intertwine, giving each a new perspective, honesty and meaning.
FOR ADULTS ONLY! Mature subject matter and language. Sordid Lives runs September 28, 29, 30 & October 4, 5, 6. Curtain time, 8:00 p.m., except Sunday, Sept. 30th at 2:00 p.m. Muskogee Little Theatre is located at 325 Cincinnati in Muskogee. Productions at Muskogee Little Theatre are presented with the assistance of The Oklahoma Arts Council. For more information, visit www.muskogeelittletheatre or email