"Dear Senator: I believe our state has enough issues"

Dear Senator Brecheen,
My name is Sarah Hoss and I have been an Oklahoma resident since 2007. I am a white, straight, 34-year old college professor and consider myself an ally of the LGBT community.
The bills you have proposed to the Oklahoma State Legislature (SB 973, SB 898, SB 1323, SB 1289, HB 1599, and SB 805) are a disgrace to the LGBT community and to the entire state of Oklahoma. These bills (yes, I have read them) are filled with hate and intolerance.
I believe our state has enough issues, especially economic issues, to continue to marginalize a group of people who simply want the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. The Supreme Court of the United States has legalized same-sex marriage. Social change has come to America – a change that has been a long-time coming. People are often fearful of change but this is the time to embrace it and each other and work towards rectifying our differences.
For you to say you "speak for the people of Oklahoma" in proposing these pieces of legislation is incorrect. You do not speak for me. You do not speak for many of the people I know and hold dear.
Continuing on this path will cause you to be voted out of office at the first opportunity that presents itself. We are of the same generation and we are both educated. Oklahoma needs strong leadership during these dark times. Leave the LGBT community alone and start proposing legislation that will actually fix our problems and make ours a stronger and better state.
Sarah Hoss
Note: *A same or similar letter(s) were written by Ms. Hoss to Representative Sally Kern, Senator Joseph Silk, Representative Mark McCullough, Representative David Brumbaugh, Senator Nathan Dahm and Representative Mike Ritze and mailed to the Capitol offices of the aformentioned Representatives.
However there was just one “thank you” letter written to Representative Jason Dunnington. Watch www.gayly.com ‘opinion’ section for that letter to be published here soon.
The Gayly – 1/31/2016 @ 11:09 pm CST