Del Shores: "The Sh*t Stirrer"

by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief

In March, Del Shores performed his newest show, The Sh*t Stirrer at the Aud in Eureka Springs. It was only the second time the show had been seen by audiences anywhere.

In an earlier interview with The Gayly, Shores told us the performance is not a play, it’s stand-up.

“It’s not really a play. It’s pure standup like my Sordid Confessions and Naked. Sordid. Reality. tours.”

He said it’s his stories, his opinions, his life.

Shores said the term “Sh*t Stirrer” has been a part of his description on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for a couple of years, since that “fateful” election.

And if you know Shores, you know he does not don’t mince words. He cuts to the chase.

“I come hard and fast against this administration and anybody else who marginalizes my LGBTQ community — or any community. I have always tried to add humor to my tweets when I go after someone, for entertainment and to get my point across, using humor as my own ‘spoon full of sugar’.  

“Frankly, there’s something in the show to offend everybody.”

While in Eureka, he donated some of his time to The Writers Colony working with people on writing exercises, working on character development, then acting out the writing they did.

The show was brought to Eureka Springs by the Eureka Springs Channel, an online community broadcast production company.

Shores said he loves Eureka Springs and was grateful Melodye Purdy brought him back to perform and work with the Writers Colony.

One question, Del. When will you be in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Wichita or Fayetteville so we can all see you in The Sh*t Stirrer? Rumor has it the show is great.

To find Shores touring schedule, visit

Photos above beginning at top left and going clockwise are: Melodye Purdy, Del Shores & Sydney Forrester; Del Shores performs at The Auditorium in Eureka Springs; Del Shores during Workshop at Writer's Colony and guests who attended the Writers Colony Workshop with Del Shores in Eureka Springs in March. Photos by Melodye Purdy, Purdy Art Co.

Copyright The Gayly. 4/28/2019 @ 10:40 a.m. CST.