Democratic platform is the most ‘progressive platform ever’, says Platform Committee co-chair

Former Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Monday. AP Photo.

by Sara Ritsch
Staff Writer

Shirley Franklin, Co-Chair of the Platform Committee, spoke at the Democratic National Convention Monday Jul. 25, stating that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has the answer to the problems currently facing the United States.


“In the most open and transparent process in this party’s history, we drafted the most progressive platform ever. It’s a gold vision for working families, social justice, and continued prosperity and security of our people. It is reflective of our values as Democrats - the party of inclusion,” said Franklin.

"We know that our party, our country, is stronger together.”

Democrats cheer together despite times of disunity.

The 2016 Democratic Platform is indeed being called the most progressive in history, whereas the GOP Platform is being called the most historically anti-LGBT.

Featured in the GOP Platform are the emphasis of traditional marriage, conversion therapy, and anti-LGBT adoption policies.

The Democratic Platform enforces equality for LGBT and all people.

Copyright 2016 The Gayly - 7/25/16 @ 5:00 p.m. CDT