Despite past turmoil, OKC Pride moves forward

by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
Months after questionable activities and allegations with the past president of OKC Pride, the organization is making plans to move forward.
Soon after OKC Pride 2018, questionable activity with the organizations' bank account occurred involving the former OKC Pride President, Lori Honeycutt.
For the past history of alleged misconduct by the former OKC Pride President, click these links:
OKC Pride in turmoil; shocking information revealed
OKC Pride update: report filed and more
Former OKC Pride President charged with embezzlement
“After an internal investigation into certain questionable transactions, a report was filed with the Oklahoma City Police Department in July 2018,” said Brandon Odom, interim president of OKC Pride. “After further investigation by OCPD, the District Attorney for Oklahoma County filed charges against Ms. Honeycutt in September.”
Since the case is a pending criminal matter, Odom said OKC Pride could not further comment.
The Gayly called Oklahoma County ADA, Kirk Martin who is assigned to the case but did not receive a return call after two days.
As for the future of OKC Pride, Odom said, “It is most certainly our intent to continue with the activities OKC Pride has traditionally conducted in the past. However, our organization’s attention is presently concentrated on doing those things necessary to make OKC Pride a better organization moving forward.
“These actions will ensure that OKC Pride remains a vital part of the community for a very long time. OKC Pride’s involvement in the festival and parade will be discussed next year [2019] once our organizational activities are completed.”
OKC Pride’s current board members are President, Brandon Odom; Vice President, Storm Shenold; Secretary, Pepper Clark; Treasurer, Alison Scott and board members at large, Traci Helton, Max Horwitz and Logan Helton.
As of October 1st, there are no paid members of OKC Pride Inc.
“According to membership rules, all memberships expired as of October 1st, the beginning of the new fiscal year,” said Odom. “Dues paid mid-year follow the fiscal year calendar as well.”
Odom said with the large amount of automatic recurring memberships that were untraceable through Paypal, an account which has been disabled, other unstructured facets of membership such as a potential fiscal year date change. There is also an overall concern for more community money to be tied up with no current results; membership has been suspended until after the first of the year.
“Members are a very important part of this organization,” he said. “Taking the community’s concerns, ideas, and voices then putting them all together to provide visibility for everyone is what Pride truly is about. This mission will continue.”
As for OKC Pride 2019, Odom said, “Pride in Oklahoma City began as a block party that occurred off street typically in the parking lot behind what is now Apothecary 39, and all proceeds were donated to The Winds House and other charities. The first Gay Pride March was in 1988. Themed 'Rightfully Proud in ’88.' The parade started at Memorial Park, on Northwest 36th Street, and proceeded along 39th Street, what was then called 'Glitter Alley.'”
The annual parade is one of the largest draws of crowds in Oklahoma City annually. Odom said this tradition would continue for the 31st annual OKC Pride as well.
“With full community support and a financial realignment, the sky is truly the limit for potential events.”
Odom acknowledged, “Recent events within this organization have placed an undesirable filter over the spotlight on our community.”
However, the Interim President sees a bright future for OKC Pride.
“I believe utilizing the already established national network of Pride Board contacts (CAPI/InterPride), local non-profit advocacy such as The Center for Nonprofits OKC, and the talents of those within our community and allies, we can overcome this and promote intensely positive visibility for the future.
“Many Pride organizations around the nation have been through similar and worse, learned from it, made the changes necessary to correct/prevent, and have grown from it.”
Odom proudly said he has faith in the OKC LGBTQ+ community.
“I have faith this [moving forward] will be done. That faith in others is what keeps me going against some tough odds. The long-term potential is beyond a once a year event.”
The Interim President would like to see himself in the future of OKC Pride.
“If allowed to remain in my position, I intend to correct the wrong-doings and to build a solid foundation for OKC Pride, Inc. This will help assure it is secure for future generations before passing my position onto a talented individual who is probably reading this and has no idea they will take it further than I can ever dream of.”
OKC Pride is always looking for talented individuals to step forward, continue to advocate, provide a place for self-expression, and leadership of the OKC Metro LGBTQ+ community. For more information, the new website is and a new official OKC Pride Facebook page at You may reach out to OKC Pride on either platform to volunteer or make inquiries.
Copyright The Gayly 12/8/2018 @ 2:47 CST.
Editor's note: If you are searching information for the status of the pending legal case, you may find it under Case Number CF-2018-4418 listed on OSCN under the name Lori Kay Honecutt.