Eureka Springs: “Diverse Everyday”
by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
“Diversity Weekends would not be possible in Eureka Springs if not for the loving, accepting residents and businesses who sponsor many of the events for the Diversity Weekends,” said Jay Wilks, Director of Out in Eureka. “And our incredible volunteers.”
Eureka Springs opens their doors to everyone on Diversity Weekends three times a year; Summer, Spring and Fall. Wilks said you could walk down any street in town and see pride flags out and businesses offer discounts or specials for Diversity guests.
“Diversity Weekend is where everyone can come together,” Wilks added. “This not only includes the LGBT community, but straight friends and allies, people of different faiths, national origin and more.”
This year’s Summer Diversity has much to offer. On Friday evening, August 3 at 5 p.m., Brews will host the Diversity Weekend kick off, Del Shores, comedian, actor, producer and director, will perform his newest show, Six Characters in Search of a Play at The Aud at 7.
Shores is the first high profile act at Diversity in over 10 years. He was invited by Out in Eureka to perform for Summer Diversity and will be spending the entire weekend in Eureka Springs.
“We look forward to showing him around our beautiful village and having his fans meet him in person and other events in town,” Wilks added.
Also on Friday, several venues around town will have live music for Diversity Weekend and Eureka Live will have a drag show at 9 p.m.
Saturday, August 4, Diversity in the Park begins at 10 a.m. Guest speakers will talk at noon and 12:30 p.m. will be the Annual PDA (Public Display of Affection), hosted by Del Shores.
During the day on Saturday, there is a Women’s Float trip; Magnetic Valley Resort will host their annual Pool Party and businesses will offer specials and other events.
Saturday evening from 6 to 8 p.m., Del Shores will be co-hosting the annual Drag Queen bingo with Miss Gulf Shores Comedy, Gizele Monae at Brews. At 9 p.m., Monae will perform Upstairs at the Grotto. These are free events, and all ages are welcome.
Also on Saturday evening, there will be more live music around town, Drag shows at Eureka Live. And, after Monae’s performance, there will be a dance party fundraiser for Out in Eureka’s Fall Diversity, also at "Upstairs at the Grotto.” The Grotto is the largest non-smoking dance club in Eureka Springs.
Additionally, Trevor Wayne will be making his appearance with a variety of his pop culture art on display and for sale at Zarks. Wayne will also do photos. This event is open to the public and is also a fundraiser for Fall Diversity.
Wilks said this year as Director for Out in Eureka; all three Diversity’s have been his favorite because “Each Diversity event is different. There are different entertainers, events, different people, and each Diversity is in a different season, adding variety.”
Eureka Springs is “Diverse Everyday,” as well as LGBT friendly 24/7/365. The city markets it that way.
“Couples can come to Eureka anytime and hold hands, dine, shop, enjoy hiking, tours, and nightlife without any fear. The citizens of Eureka will not allow any threats or discrimination against residents, but more so to our guests,” Wilks said in closing.
For more information about events and where to get tickets, visit the Out in Eureka Facebook page @outineureka and click “events.”
Copyright The Gayly – July 2, 2018 @ 12:10 p.m. CDT.