A few tips for traveling alone

by Tony Baker @TouringTony
Travel Columnist
As many of you know, I tend to travel alone a lot. Being a single gay man, it’s just par for the course.
It has its good points and its bad ones. I can crawl out of my shell, so to speak, when I am away from home and don’t know anyone and still have a ball. On the other hand, I also find myself wanting to say, “oh, look at that,” then realize I am alone, so it is both sides of the coin.
I will go over a few ways I deal with my alone travel and make it work, and how you can too.
Don’t be a Scaredy Cat: There are only a handful of places you should really be scared to go. Some places you just need to be cautious. Research the places you want to go to the US Department of State website at www.travel.State.Gov and enter in the places you are thinking of going to check out the environment.
You could also look at some of the travel sites and read the chat boards. The point is, don’t be scared, but don’t be careless. Be informed and prepared.
Have a backup of everything: I always have a few paper copies of my passport and important documents, such as my visa. I keep the originals in the hotel safe and carry around the copies with me. I also have at least two stashes of cash, both US dollars and local currency, hidden in a few places as well as a spare credit or debit card. You don’t want to be stuck without ID or money in a foreign country if you are alone.
Remember, you are only who your passport says you are in a foreign country, so make sure you don’t lose it.
Stay in the Loop: Whoever your cell service is, you really need data service on your phone wherever you travel. You may need to get a local sim card as well. You’ll need it for mapping, public transit, hotel info and more.
Google maps are very good because the App tells you what subway or bus you need to get on or hope to walk. It even has VR view or a 360-degree view, which is very helpful. You also need your phone to call for help if need be, or to use certain Apps to contact local services.
Wrap-Up: I am currently planning a birthday trip to East Africa in May, and there are many warnings about gays traveling to certain countries there. The topic has been on my mind as I will be traveling alone. I am making my list(s) and checking them twice on this trip, but I will not be scared off.
Whether you are traveling alone or with someone, it’s always worth it! Never turn down an opportunity to travel because you're alone. You can make it a wonderful experience with or without a companion.
These are just a few tips, for more check out my site, www.TouringTony.com, or contact me at The Gayly (gayly@gayly.com) with any questions you may have.
Thanks for reading, and please, travel more.
Copyright The Gayly. 2/17/2020 @ 11:33 a.m. CST.