Filmmakers respond to death threat issue

Norman Councilman Chad Williams participated in the documentary "Broken Heart Land."

After reading the A1 story in Tuesday’s Transcript about Norman Council member Chad Williams receiving threats following the national airing of a documentary about Norman and the death of a gay teen, Eric Juhola, producer of “Broken Heart Land,” released the following statement:

“As filmmakers, our intention with making ‘Broken Heart Land’ has always been to start a respectful, thoughtful dialogue. We condemn violence, hateful speech, harassing phone calls or invasion of privacy of any kind against anyone who participated in the film no matter their point of view. It takes a lot of courage to go on camera, open up, and discuss personal topics, and anyone who does so should be respected and commended for their bravery. We are grateful that the film has inspired passion and interest in the issues addressed on all sides, but we hope folks will channel that passion into building bridges rather than knocking them down. It’s the only way we can create a safe, inclusive community for all, and is the best way we can set an example for and protect our children.

by Joy Hampton,  for The Norman Transcript, Norman, OK.

Copyright 2014 CNHI, provided by the Associated Press.

The Gayly – July 1, 2014 @ 7:00pm