Find out what's at stake in Kansas

(Manhattan, KS) The American Federation of Teachers local at Kansas State is sponsoring a community forum on Saturday, Feb. 9 in Manhattan. They want Kansans to “find out what’s at stake for you and your family in this legislative session.”
AFT Local 6400 says “Gov. Brownback is pushing an extremist, anti-working-family agenda--and too many of our legislators are following behind him. Unless we raise our voices and tell them what voters want, these legislators will pass reckless new laws.”
They say that these new laws will:
• Hurt Kansas jobs and businesses.
• Take away health care and other services that seniors, children, and disabled Kansans count on.
• Starve our neighborhood schools of funding and likely raise class sizes.
• Deprive you of your freedom of speech and freedom of association.
• Hit working Kansans with higher taxes and living costs while giving huge tax breaks to the most wealthy.
Join members of AFT Local 6400 at K-State, farmers, students, faculty, faith-based groups and others at this community forum. We’ll talk about what’s happening in the legislature--and ways to stand up and fight back. The Forum will be Saturday, Feb 9, 1-3 p.m., at College Avenue United Methodist Church, 1609 College Ave., in Manhattan.