First Thursday exhibit features the ceramic work of Christiana Prado

The art work of Christine Prado will be shown in the gallery at Oklahomans for Equality in January. Photo provided.

(Tulsa, OK) The January Oklahomans for Equality (OkEq) “First Thursday” reception and art exhibit features the works of Christiana Prado. Born in Salvador in the state of Bahia, Brazil, Prado graduated with a degree in Architecture. 14 years ago, Prado arrived in Tulsa and decided to explore her artistic side. She has degrees in printmaking and a Masters in Fine Arts in ceramics from the University of Tulsa.

Her ceramic pieces are mostly symbolic objects and Prado explores texture and glaze applications creating ever changing pieces. She uses layers of glazes that are fired a few times to create unique palettes and enjoys working with mixed media.

Prado frequently exhibits in Tulsa, most recently in the 2013 More Color at the Equality Center and in Tulsa Biennial 2013 at Living Arts. She currently teaches “Art Appreciation at TCC” and presents clay and watercolor workshops at Waterworks. Even though she leads a busy community and teaching life, she remains committed to creating her amazing ceramics pieces.

Prado’s show begins with a reception on Thursday, January 2 from 6-9pm at the Dennis R. Neill Equality Center, 621 E. 4th St. in downtown Tulsa. There will be a door prize drawn of the artist’s work. The show continues throughout the month.

Founded by a dedicated group of volunteers in 1980, Oklahomans for Equality/OkEq is Oklahoma’s oldest gay rights organization. From testing for HIV/AIDS and hosting the annual Tulsa Pride and Diversity Celebration to operating the Equality Center and documenting the Tulsa LGBT community’s rich history, OkEq works for social justice and full inclusion for Oklahoma’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) citizens and their allies.