Fitness: An essential part of your holiday agenda

by Christopher B. Robrahn
Fitness Contributor
November can be a challenging spot on the calendar of any exercise enthusiast. Successful fitness begins with an understanding of the link between mind, body and spirit. Many people don’t appreciate how the mind “leads the body” .
This time of year requires a little mental discipline or at the very least, some thinking about all the shifts and changes we typically experience. How can you make it a positive time for you and your fitness?
The weather is getting colder, hours of daylight are shrinking. What was a bright, warm (even hot if we go back a couple of months) evening at 7 p.m. is now chilly and dark.
The first November weekend, in most of the United States, converts back to standard time, so darkness begins even earlier. As it gets colder, many of us would rather spend time in a warm house in front of the fireplace.
The point here is, seasonal change is in the midst and for some it can be a challenge. Many people start missing workouts at the gym or just simply don’t feel like a hard gym exercise workout. The holidays are ahead. What can you do?
I think the answer is to evaluate how important your exercise and health are to you. The answer isn’t “grin and bear it and show up to the gym”. Hard to show up when your mind isn’t convinced.
You must be candid and ask, “How can I make it through the shifts in seasons and the holidays and feel confident about my health?” It might mean a change in your exercise schedule if you are someone who may have challenges with gym attendance.
You may need to determine a path of exercise at home, maybe even in front of that fireplace. Remember, you don’t have to follow the same course of action with your workout. Making a change is far more effective than falling off the bandwagon, feeling guilty and losing confidence.
Empower yourself, evaluate your situation and make it work.
The first wave is the seasonal adjustment; the second, the holidays ahead. I totally enjoy the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. Many of us have a busy social calendar during the holidays with shopping, family obligations and work. It all adds up to more stress!
Underneath it all, the financial obligations, time commitments and our desire to keep up with exercise and health can make the holidays a challenge.
Take a little time and “map your way” through your holiday planning. Think about everything, then include the amount of time you wish to spend on your fitness. Don’t put it off until January.
Give yourself a holiday gift and make your fitness and health a priority this year.
I’ll write more on this topic for The Gayly December issue. Best to all for a great Thanksgiving and don’t fret about your meal!
Copyright The Gayly – November 10, 2017 @ 7 a.m. CST.