Former OKC Pride President charged with embezzlement

By Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
Today, charges were filed by the Oklahoma County DA’s office on Lori Honeycutt, former Oklahoma City Pride president.
The charge: One count of embezzlement.
Last week, The Gayly spoke to Detective Querry of the Oklahoma City Police Department regarding charges on former OKC Pride president.
“The charges we sent to the DA’s office were one count of embezzlement,” he said. “The charges were accepted by DA’s office, and my investigation is complete.”
On July 10 of this year, The Gayly obtained information from an OSBI report finding multiple similar convictions under the many aliases/former names used by Honeycutt. These names are Lori Kay Honeycutt, Lori Kay Downs, Lori Honeycutt, Lori Kay Slider and Laurie K. Shlider. Date of birth matches that of Honeycutt.
There were multiple forgeries and other convictions over a ten-year period. In fact, Honeycutt was incarcerated for these convictions in 2009, according to the report.
For a complete history on this story, click here.
Brandon Odom, OKC Pride’s interim president was unavailable today for comment.
Copyright The Gayly 9/18/2018 @ 5:05 p.m. CST.