Fourth Annual LGBT College Summit

(Oklahoma City) Freedom Oklahoma is excited to announce their fourth Annual College Summit, to take place Saturday, March 28. Every year, hundreds of student leaders from across Oklahoma come together to network, share, and gather information on how to be more effective advocates for freedom and equality. Never has that been more important than right now. As we fight off unprecedented amounts of hateful legislation at the Capitol, it is vital that the next generation of leaders in Oklahoma gain the skills needed to make sure that full and lived equality happens in Oklahoma - sooner, rather than later.
Here are all of the details about this years summit, and a link to RSVP:
2015 College Summit
Sponsored by Freedom Oklahoma
Hosted by East Central University’s Gay-Straight Alliance
March 28, 2015 - 10am – 3pm
Chickasaw Business and Conference Center, ECU, Ada
Please attend EqualiCon2k15 to build political capacity, learn about GLBTQIA issues, have fun, and celebrate the Superheroes in Oklahoma’s struggle for freedom and equality. It’s free to you and you get a t-shirt! EqualiCon targets college students but all are welcome to attend.
RSVP now for the 4th annual college summit on March 28th!
- EqualiCon is like Comic-Con: informative but fun! Wear your favorite costume. We’ll have awards for the best Cosplay!
- Networking Lunch with GLBTQQIA professionals from across the state. We’ve recruited teachers, lawyers, business people, IT professionals, and other successful professionals to advise you on how to achieve in your chosen career.
- Learn how to play politics with the experts: hands on lobbying and media training with the best in the country.
- Panels on the most explosive social topics in the state: bullying, conversion therapy, and trans issues.
- Drag Show and Dance Party in the evening. Contact us if you want to perform!
See you in Ada,
Troy Stevenson
Executive Director
Freedom Oklahoma
The Gayly – March 3, 2015 @ 11:35am.