Fox News medical expert suggests dangerous transgender 'cure'

A Fox News Medical Team pundit recently appeared on the network suggesting a dangerous "cure" for transgender children that has been rejected for decades by all mainstream medical associations.
Media Matters reports Dr. Keith Ablow speculated wildly about medical care for transgender children, proposing his own harmful treatments that go against scientific evidence and professional standards from mainstream medical associations.
In a rant where he compared being transgender to pretending to be 65 to get Medicare, Ablow proposed injecting transgender children with hormones corresponding to their gender assigned at birth to “go with nature."
Said Ablow:
"But look, there's not a lot of scientific evidence that it's better to approach transgender youth with the opposite hormone because we inject them with massive doses of testosterone if they're female to say look we'll make you more comfortable with your chosen gender. You know, we don't even explore, should it be more estrogen? Should we go with nature and say maybe we'll make you more female, you'll feel more comfortable? There aren't these explorations. We don't treat with psychiatric medicines by and large to say maybe this is a bit of a fixed and false belief. Not different than if you thought you were black person when you are caucasian."
In February, the Huffington Post reported that Dr. Ablow has dismissed any biological origins of gender dysphoria, stating:
"I don’t believe we have definitive data (although many psychiatrists with very impressive credentials, who seem to mean well, assert that we do) that any male or female soul has ever in the history of the world been born into the wrong anatomic gender.
Let me put that more clearly: I am not convinced by any science I can find that people with definitively male DNA and definitively male anatomy can actually be locked in a cruel joke of nature because they are actually female."
The American Psychological Association, however, has stated that it is "not helpful to force [a transgender child] to act in a more gender-conforming way" and cites family rejection as a leading cause of negative health consequences for transgender youth.
Media Matters for American and the Huffington Post contributed to this story.
The Gayly- 4/25/2016 @ 1:37 PM CDT