From Freedom Oklahoma with Love

Editor's note: This release was sent to The Gayly from the Board of Directors of Freedom Oklahoma regarding today's departure of their Executive Director.
Today Freedom Oklahoma announces that our longtime executive director Troy Stevenson is no longer with the organization. He has led our organization through dozens of legislative battles for equality. We applaud his hard work and wish him the absolute best in his future endeavors.
Freedom Oklahoma has an extraordinarily dedicated board of directors who are prepared to see the organization through this transition. We have begun our search for a new executive director, and our talented staff are continuing the important work of the organization.
On this eve of Pride, we have an opportunity to reflect on how far we’ve come and how far we have left to go. The road toward equality is not easy, and collectively, we have not always agreed on the best way to achieve results. In the age of social media, those disagreements even amongst individuals tasked with representing this community have oftentimes turned ugly.
For our part, we are sorry.
What brings us together is our passion for progress, for our community, and for each other. We take this time to celebrate our diversity while also recognizing there’s more that unites us than divides us. We look forward to continuing to work in the best interest of our community and remain resolute in our advocacy on behalf of Oklahoma’s LGBTQ community, women, and other marginalized groups because none of us are equal until all of us are equal.
With Love,
Freedom Oklahoma
Board of Directors
Brett Baldwin, Chairperson
Gwendolyn Caldwell
Allyson Coffey, Vice Chairperson
William James
Frederick Redwine, Secretary
Sam Ward
Steve Funck, Treasurer
Joe Poe, Jr.
Jennifer Arlan
Marlo Miller
Tyler Dougherty
Brian Turner
Lindsey Kanaly
Kasey Greenhaw
On June 21, 2018 This statement was released to The Gayly at 6:30 p.m.
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