Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders Introduces GLAD Answers

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) announce updated legal information service. Logo provided.

Updated Legal Information Service Provides Answers to LGBTQ Community & Those Living with HIV

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders today unveiled “GLAD Answers”, an updated version of its venerable Legal InfoLine. GLAD Answers is an information and referral service that GLAD has run since its inception, in recent years receiving more than 2,000 inquiries annually from LGBT people and people living with HIV.

The new features of GLAD Answers are:

  •  A dedicated URL,
  •  An enhanced live chat function
  •  A new, direct email address:
  •  An interpretation service enabling volunteers to provide information in multiple languages
  •  And a snappy new name and logo

GLAD Answers retains its regular phone hours of 1:30-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, and its phone number of 1-800-455-GLAD. The service is staffed by highly trained volunteers who provide callers with legal information and referrals that can help resolve issues ranging from school bullying to employment discrimination.

In addition to empowering those who make use of the service, GLAD Answers enables Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders to identify new legal issues, patterns of discrimination, and cases to litigate.

“Often, empowered with legal information, people can resolve their situations themselves,” said Bruce Bell, Public Engagement and Information Manager. “For example, we recently heard from a mom in Maine whose son was getting resistance from his school when he tried to start a Gay-Straight Alliance. We gave her the information and tools she needed to talk with administrators and within two weeks the school approved the GSA.”

GLAD Answers is my go-to resource whenever I have questions pertaining to the rights of LGBT youth and young adults. I call them directly for help and I also strongly encourage our youth to contact them if they have a question about their rights,” said Jayeson Watts, MSW, Direct Services Coordinator of Youth Pride, Inc., in Rhode Island. “The staff and volunteers are easy to talk to, knowledgeable and committed to helping LGBT people get the fair treatment they deserve. GLAD Answers is an invaluable resource.” 

Although GLAD Answers specializes in LGBT/HIV legal information for the six New England states, the service provides help to anyone who contacts it.

Through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education, Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.

September 4, 2013