George Takei's "Vote blue no matter who" video goes viral
by Austin Stallings
Journalism Intern
With the Democratic Primary season coming to a close, the math appears to be on Hillary Clinton’s side. Activist and actor George Takei has released a video on social media urging Democratic voters to “vote blue no matter who” in the general election.
Takei has been an outspoken supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders throughout the campaign. In the new video he posted on Facebook, Takei says that Sanders has connected to issues he feels passionately about such as income inequality and campaign finance reform.
However, after Clinton’s four wins on Tuesday Takei conceded that he believes that Clinton will be the nominee.
Takei says, “Having been through many bruising primaries in my life, I’m also a realist. From where I sit, the math is clear: Hillary likely will win, and she will be our nominee. But that doesn’t mean Bernie didn’t also win. He won in a myriad of vital ways – none more so than energizing the Democratic base in a way no one expected.”
Later on, Takei urges the party to come together like family in order to defeat the Republican nominee in November.
“We come together when threatened. And come together we will, in November. Bernie himself has said that, ‘On her worst day, Hillary Clinton will be an infinitely better candidate and president than the Republican candidate on his best day.’ If Bernie believes that, his supporters can too.”
Catch the video here.
The Gayly – 4/28/16 @ 5:30 p.m.