Georgia governor says changes in works on religious exemptions bill

LGBT rights advocates march. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia's governor says changes are coming to a bill allowing faith-based organizations to refuse service to gay couples without repercussion.

Supporters say it's intended to prevent religious adoption agencies, schools and other organizations from losing licenses, state grants, or other government benefits for their religious beliefs about same-sex marriage. The state's business community continued to marshal opposition to the proposal, wary of the type of economic backlash Indiana experienced following 2015 passage of a broader "religious freedom" law.

At an event touting the state's booming film and television industry, Gov. Nathan Deal said his office is working with legislative leaders and declined to say whether he supports the Senate-approved version.

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The Gayly - 2/24/2016 @ 2:09 p.m. CST