Guthrie, OK churches host LGBT welcoming seminars
Guthrie, OK churches open doors and welcomes LGBTQ community
Many Christian denominations have been questioning their attitudes about the place of LGBTQ people in the Christian Church. Views are changing about who may be a member, who may be an ordained leader, and whose unions may be blessed. LGBTQ people have always been a part of the Church. What are the best ways of affirming and welcoming them?
Want to be a part of the conversation?
Join in Sunday evenings at 5pm at Prarie Gothic
118 So. Second St., Guthrie, OK
March 9: Introduction, telling our stories
March 16: Psychological perspectives, legal perspectives
Dr. Laurie Clemens, clinical psychologist
Dr. Jason White, senior counselor, University Counseling Services, Oklahoma State University
Jeff Riles, Jr., attorney, Phillips Murrah P
March 23: Religious perspectives
Professor Mark Davies, Dean, Petree College of Arts and Sciences
March 30: Our experiences:
Our guests will share their personal experiences with the church as LGBT people—some good experiences, some not
Sergeant Paula Schonauer, Oklahoma City Police Department
The Rev. Tammy Wooliver, chaplain, VA Medical Center, Oklahoma City
Scott Hamilton, Executive Director, Cimarron Alliance
April 6: Where do we go from here?
How can churches be more welcoming to LGBTQ people?
For more information, contact: John Borrego