I’ll decorate for Christmas as early as I want
by Bruce Hartley
Life Columnist
Why can’t people decorate for Christmas whenever they want without being judged? Normally this topic doesn’t phase me, but this year it struck a chord in me, and I must share.
During the first week of November, I stopped by a grocery store to pick up a few items, which included a 10-inch silver tinsel Christmas tree. The checkout person scanned my items and dared to say, “Christmas decorating already? It’s not even Thanksgiving.”
I’ve never had a cashier judge me on my purchases, and I took a breath before saying, “We can be thankful for Christmas at Thanksgiving. Why can’t we have Christmas in our hearts all year round?” Not that my reply mattered to the nosey cashier.
Now let’s discuss television. Numerous media networks begin showing Christmas movies in early November, and Hallmark is known for being the King of Christmas movies scheduled on their three different channels. I think it is time for the media networks to produce LGBTQ+ Christmas movies!
Recently, I noticed that networks have woven in some LGBTQ+ supporting characters, but I want to see some lead LGBTQ+ characters in Christmas movies next year. If television can showcase decorations, why can’t we?
Social media has backed up the idea of early decorating. One site I saw where “experts” say putting Christmas decorations up early makes you happier. Even the New York Post claims decorating for Christmas early is good for you.
Why can’t holidays coexist?
I learned a long time ago that decorating outside was easier on a warm day. Yes, I covered our rooftop and bushes in lights before Halloween, but I vowed to not plug them in until Thanksgiving evening.
This year is Bill and my first Christmas living together in Oklahoma. It took us a full month of weekends to sort out two large collections of Christmas decorations and decorate our Claremore home. We have six fully decorated trees along with a variety of small trees scattered around the house.
We had plenty of extra decorations to add to our flea market booth and share some with family. It was a busy month of decorating, but we were done by November 10, allowing us to focus on other things that make our holiday season special.
We attended Dickens on the Boulevard, a Victorian Christmas annual event in downtown Claremore during the weekend before Thanksgiving. Yet another example of enjoying Christmas early without taking away from Thanksgiving dinner.
We hosted our first Thanksgiving dinner in Oklahoma with our combined family in attendance. We enjoyed a traditional dinner, and Thanksgiving was not forgotten even though we had sparkling Christmas décor in the background.
We will make a few trips to Missouri for family gatherings along with hosting a Christmas party and a big Christmas family dinner in Oklahoma. We normally attend one Christmas parade. I am excited to attend the Tulsa Christmas parade on December 14.
We are eloping on New Year’s Day, and it will be the calmest activity until we host our wedding reception in January. Our venue is reserved, and the guests have been invited. Still have a few details to wrap up.
Christmas is the season of love, decorations, movies, parties, parades, and time with friends and family. I contend that Thanksgiving and Christmas can coexist, and it makes both holidays less stressful.
Merry Christmas from Bruce and Bill. We will be an old married couple when you hear from me next month, and we will be busy packing up a lot of awesome Christmas decorations.
Copyright The Gayly. 11/30/2019 @ 5:31 p.m. CST.