Iowa Senate refuses to confirm Board of Medicine appointee over post on LGBT+ issues

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — The Iowa Senate has declined to confirm a doctor to the Iowa Board of Medicine because of an online comment she made about the LGBT community.

The Des Moines Register reports that Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds' appointment of Katherine Asjes failed Wednesday. All 18 votes against the appointment were cast by Democrats.

Democratic Sen. Tony Bisignano says Asjes' supportive comment on an online article in the Catholic World Report that criticized the LGBT community is concerning.

"We've arrived at the end of the road — and we stare into a massive, rippled fun-house mirror that shows us in its own twisted reflection the extent of the monumental destruction our journey really caused," wrote author Jim Russell.

Further into the article, the author wrote: "Initially, the 'LGBT community' reassured society that it didn't want what 'straights' had — marriage and children. No, no it would be enough just to not be 'hated.' But the goalposts constantly moved —  'no, we don't want marriage, just civil unions! And if you object, you hate us. Now we want marriage — it's our right. Let us have it or you hate us.'"

Katherine Asjes comment.

Senate Minority Leader Janet Petersen says the comment raises concerns about whether Asjes would protect the health of all Iowa residents.

Asjes says that while she expressed agreement with the author, her comment was made seeking additional information.

The state Board of Medicine regulates physicians and surgeons, osteopathic physicians and licensed acupuncturists.

Copyright Associated Press, all rights reserved.

The Gayly. April 12, 2018. 10:56 a.m. CST.