The joys and curses of working at home
COVID-19 has upended my life. Like so many other "elderly" workers, I am at risk, according to the government, the media and the medical community. As a result, if I want to avoid getting sick or dying, working from home is my only option.
When I made that decision last Friday, I didn’t think it would be a big deal. After all, I have worked at home before (when I was sick or recovering from one of my many surgeries). But as I am in day four of this self-imposed isolation, I am learning that, at least for me, my work habits are going to need an overhaul.
As a self-confessed workaholic, who loves what he does, even the idea of working from home never attracted me. I love the give-and-take of daily work life in the office. For me, the employees are like an extended family and I miss seeing them. I feed on office life and it feeds on me.
Therefore, when researching the pitfalls of working remotely, I expected to read that the greatest risk in working at home was that you won’t work at all, or, if you do, you work at a reduced pace. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the opposite occurred. Without the comings and goings of my office routine, there was no stopwatch to tell me to take a break, drink fluids, eat lunch, exercise or even when to put the computer away.
The interruptions that occurred (and that sometimes irritated me at the office), I now realize, were timely cues to take a break. A colleague needing to talk, or convey information, an assistant asking for clarity, a delivery, a meeting, even a loud noise, or one of the office dogs barking are now all absent. As a result, I work at a frenetic pace.
At first, I worked at the dining room table. Big mistake. At the end of day one my back and shoulders were killing me, and I had a headache from leaning down working on a laptop in a dining chair that sloped backwards. Since I don’t really have an office set up, I moved to the kitchen counter the second day. Better, but still left something to be desired. Tomorrow I will experiment with an office chair I had sitting around and hope for the best.
Given that I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to eat lunch. I have also made a habit of working out at the local gym for an hour during the day. Obviously, that isn’t happening. I could exercise at home, but so far, I haven’t.
Given that I have the software/hardware and telecom equipment at home to access my office, I connect when I wake up, rather than do the things I usually do like exercise, meditate or take the dog for a walk. So yesterday, for example, I worked from 6:30 or so until 6 at night. And remember I am an investment advisor with worried clients, hysterical markets and a constant stream of new and challenging developments to contend with on an almost hourly basis.
I have already begun to adjust. My seating situation is evolving and like Goldilocks I will certainly keep trying to find the ideal arrangement for my aging body. I have started setting a timer for work activities with an allotted amount of time to get up, walk around, and breathe. Today, come hell or high water, I will exercise for an hour around lunchtime. As for my hours, well, I will rely on my spouse, and she on me, to keep our working hours more reasonable.
All in all, I am sure that I will adjust to working this way. Others, who are also experimenting with this alternative work style, will be sharing their “tricks of the trade” and before long, who knows, I may actually come to enjoy it.
Bill Schmick enjoyed a successful 15-year career as an award-winning journalist, then joined Wall Street. None of this commentary is or should be considered investment advice. Anyone seeking individualized investment advice should contact a qualified investment adviser.
The Gayly. 3/19/20 @ 4:53 p.m. CST.