K-6th sexual education program pulled over parent concerns

OCEANSIDE,Calif. (KGTV) -- The Oceanside Unified School District Monday announced the K-6th sexual education program was temporarily suspended.

The school cited California Education Code Sections 51930-51939 (AB 329). The law, which covers comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education in public schools, states that comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education is required at least once in middle school and at least once in high school.

Prior to tonight's announced suspension, OUSD elected a comprehensive approach to sexual education - meaning that students in grades kindergarten through sixth were instructed as well.

In a statement shared on the district's website, Acting Superintendent Reggie Thompkins writes:

"Based on feedback received from parents, district staff, and the community, as well as the results of the survey that was conducted by the district on the topic of sexual health education, the district will temporarily suspend instruction of K thru 6 sexual health curriculum.

The district will be redesigning the K thru 6 sexual health curriculum with input from parents, district staff, and the community. Once a timeline for the curriculum redesign is established, the district will reach out to interested stakeholders regarding the curriculum redesign process."

At this time school is out for summer break, so it's not yet clear if the program will be ready by the 2018-2019 school year.

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The Gayly. June 20, 2018. 10:02 a.m. CST.