Katy Perry debuts (we are) #GayPropaganda movement PSA

To illustrate violence against LGBT people in Russia
(Los Angeles) – With the Sochi Olympics just days away, Katy Perry and Madonna chose to premiere (We Are) #GayPropaganda’s PSA as the finale of Katy's month-long curation of #ArtForFreedom. “The Peace Sign” is the third in a series of PSAs inspired by recent images of violence against the LGBT community in Russia. The movement seeks to use the #GayPropaganda hashtag to unite the voices of LGBT people and allies alike in support of those people facing prejudice and violence in Russia, and around the world. In a mission akin to #ArtForFreedom, (We Are) #GayPropaganda seeks to redefine ‘gay propaganda’ by asking LGBT communities and their allies around the world: What does #GayPropaganda look like to you?’
This past fall, Vice Magazine and Madonna partnered to create #ArtForFreedom, a global digital initiative committed to bringing awareness to human rights violations. Through the initiative, Madonna encourages activism and contemplation by exhibiting artworks that speak to one defining question: What does freedom mean to you? One piece of art per day is featured on the website (www.artforfreedom.com) that “expresses a personal definition of freedom and revolution in the form of video, music, poetry, or photography. Katy Perry was announced as the first guest curator of #ArtForFreedom for January 2014. “I am so fortunate to have the freedom to express myself through music,” said Katy Perry, “I believe that 2014 can be a year of great social change. Together we can all stand up for Human Rights. Join the conversation, and let your art be your voice.”
Watch "The Peace Sign" PSA: http://youtu.be/EiycPiWOtL4
Watch all 3 PSAs: http://bit.ly/GayPropagandaPSAPlaylist
Go to the #GayPropaganda #tagboard: http://bit.ly/GPTagboard
About (We Are) #GayPropaganda
Join the movement. Use the hashtag & raise your voice in support of LGBT people in Russia and around the world facing prejudice and violence. #GayPropaganda seeks to reclaim, educate, empower, and inspire LGBT people and their allies by connecting art, images, and personal storytelling through the powerful yet simple social tools we use everyday.
The Gayly – February 2, 2014 @ 11:15am