Lankford votes to deport young immigrants
by Tom Guild
Candidate for Congress, 5th District
U.S. House Rep. James Lankford and the U.S. House voted to resume deporting young DREAM Act immigrants.
The House-passed measure would affect Dreamers who are productive members of society; who were brought here as young children; who grew up in our communities; and became American in every way but on paper.
This action stands as a stark warning from the Tea Party House Members, who dominate the ranks of the Republican House majority, about the bipartisan Senate bill that grants an opportunity for earned citizenship to eleven million immigrants residing in the country without proper documents.
This amendment blocks many of the provisions that are in the Senate's bipartisan immigration bill. If we allow this extreme House position to hold, no immigration bill, with a path to citizenship, will reach the President's desk.
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August 17, 2013