LCD Soundsystem's Gavin Russom comes out as trans
Musician Gavin Russom has publicly come out as a transgender woman.
Russom, who plans on keeping the name Gavin for now, has been waiting for the right moment to come out, according to her interview with Grindr.
"This is my fifth decade being alive, and in each of those decades, there's been a time where I've tried to say, 'Hey, I think I'm transgender!'"
Russom says the process became real for her when she was asked to DJ during Femme's Room July 13th, a party celebrating femme and queer culture, before she had come out.
“Having not said anything about my gender identity or transition, it felt like this amazing synchronicity,” she says, “one of those moments where the universe is tapping you on the shoulder, [saying], ‘It's OK, it's real.’”
Russom hopes she can reach out to her fans who might not otherwise interact with transgender people.
She will continue working with LCD Soundsystem, whose members have been supportive throughout her transition. Their new album, "American Dream," is set to release in September.
Copyright The Gayly - 7/7/2017 @ 5:05 p.m. CST