The legend lives on at OKC’s the Haunted House

by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
As the legend goes, “The Haunted House Restaurant was born of tragedy. In 1963, the property belonged to Martin Carriker….he was found lying dead in the high brush less than 50 feet from his home, a bullet from a .22 rifle fired through the base of his skull.”
But that was only the first death on the Carriker estate that year…”
Allegedly, more deaths occurred on the property that same year as did other tragedies…so as the legend goes.
However, shortly after these tragedies, the Thibault’s ran a very successful restaurant there for more than 50 years until it was recently sold to Oklahoma City entrepreneur Patrick Boylan.
“I think now, the most interesting thing is that adds to the legend of the Haunted House is that the very day the Thibault’s opened the restaurant; May 30 1964 is the very day in which I was born,” said Patrick Boylan, who reopened the restaurant this past July as J. Bruners at the Haunted House.
“And then Marian’s [Thibault] maiden name is Fischer, which is my mother’s maiden name.”
Boylan’s husband Alek was adopted and carried his parent’s adopted name for about 13 years. Their last name was Thibault.
“It’s just interesting…or creepy,” adds Boylan. “A lot of people say it must have been destiny to be my restaurant.”
Marian Thibault was gravely ill through last spring. Within 20 minutes of knowing Boylan had purchased the property, she died.
Boylan grew up in southwest Iowa, “big cattle country” where he use to go to the county fair to purchase “corn fed Iowa beef” for their home grill. With that, Boylan said he developed a great knowledge of beef.
“We only sell the best beef. You won’t find anything like it in OKC,” adds the restauranteur.
What surprised Boylan the most, he said is “Everyone is loving my onion rings,” adding that is one of his most popular items at his J. Bruners The Lake’s Classic Steakhouse at Osage Beach, MO. on Lake of the Ozarks. That, too is where the J. Bruners name originated and, in the Ozarks, they are well-known for their batter fried lobster tail.
“We’re serving in at the Haunted House and so far as we know, we are the only restaurant in Oklahoma that serves fried lobster.”
Boylan said what he loves most about serving Oklahoma City is, “I’m proud to own a restaurant that has a wine list with unique wines – they are all California wines which is very unusual. We appreciate the OKC Customers who appreciate the finer wines.”
Boylan has manicured the property inside and out at 7101 N. Miramar Blvd. in OKC. It’s worth the trip to see him and his new staff and some who have been there during Thibault years. Reservations are recommended – call (405) 478-1417.
The Gayly – October 20, 2015 @ 7:50am.