LGBTQA+ Oklahoman? Your input is important
In 2004, the Tulsa-based Tulsa Reaches Out and the Community Service Council conducted a survey of the Tulsa area LGBTQA+ community to help identify important needs. More than 500 individuals responded, and many others participated in focus groups.
This information was used to better advise many agencies and other providers better understand and meet the needs of LGBTQA+ citizens in the state of Oklahoma.
Much has changed since the 2004 survey. To identify today’s needs, Tulsa Reaches Out has engaged OU – Tulsa to undertake a new survey which will aid agencies and organizations in providing services and support to the LGBTQA+ community.
This new online survey will be open from April 1 until April 30th, 2019. If you are part of the LGBTQA+ community, we strongly encourage you to take 30-40 minutes to complete the online survey by going to the link below or using the QR code to access the survey.
While certain demographic information will be collected to aid in the aggregate data analysis, no identifiable information is being requested so responses are anonymous.
The survey is open to anyone living in Oklahoma. The data will be analyzed, and a report prepared by OU in July 2019 and disseminated to appropriate organizations for consideration and action.
Thank you for your consideration and participation in the survey. Please encourage your LGBTQA+ friends to also participate.
You may click this link to take the survey: LGBTQA+ community important needs.
If you have any questions, please contact Dennis Neill, (918) 808-1010.
The Gayly. 4.1.2019 @ 10:15 a.m.
The Gayly. 4.1.2019 @ 8:00 a.m. CST.