Little Rock offers city jobs to convicted felons

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The city of Little Rock is providing jobs to convicted felons — including work with the police department — in an effort to help them re-enter society and not return to prison.
The program began in 2012 with the Public Works Department training parolees to build sidewalks. It now includes programs at the police department, zoo, fleet services and the housing and neighborhood programs department.
City Manager Bruce Moore told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ( ) that he believes many parolees want to do the right thing and that the city is providing an opportunity for them to earn a living and support their families without returning to crime.
Moore said there are plans to expand the program to other departments and to encourage private sector businesses to also hire and train parolees.
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The Gayly - 11/28/2015 @ 3:35 p.m. CST