Make autumn an expansion of your fitness horizons

by Christopher B. Robrahn
Fitness Columnist
The fall season can certainly be a changing time in anyone’s fitness plan. By November, days are getting short, temperatures are dropping significantly, and many people are thinking about the upcoming holidays rather than planning for a positive end to the year with fitness.
Too many people feel guilty about overeating Halloween candy or pies at Thanksgiving. I say, be positive and plan your fitness through this challenging season and come out on the other side with a fantastic plan for the new year.
Most of us are busy, and I think some practical planning is the foundation for success during this time. Think about your time availability for exercise and plan how you can work it in your changing schedule when it is easiest, be it the morning, during lunch or in the evening.
Here are some additional ideas you might consider:
- Take time and take stock of your summer exercise results: If you are one that exercises regularly, take a moment, and pat yourself on the back for the improvement you made during the summer. Maybe you lost weight or improved your nutrition. Perhaps it is something as simple as you committed to fitness and are making it a point to do something every day.
If you kicked some bad habits, like smoking or other health issue, congrats, you have made substantial progress. Be positive.
- Plan your late fall schedule around your holiday plans: How much time do you have to exercise, when, and what do you want to achieve? Some people just want to “tread water” with their fitness.
What simple things can you do to make you feel positive and accomplished? Even some simple bodyweight steps before work can make for a great day. How many of you have considered mastering a simple set of push-ups? Static stretches can be a great way to wake up.
- And the holidays. Oh, the holidays! If you have a big plateful of food on Thanksgiving, never feel guilty. Thanksgiving is an exception to the daily rule and usually isn’t a big issue in the nutrition department; what you do every day is.
We all want to have a great time with the holiday season. If food is a part of yours, cut it back a little, drink more water. The efforts you take will give you additional confidence once the holidays are over.
- Chat with a personal trainer or fitness professional: You aren’t obligated to spend any money, and you will learn some things about yourself. We all need to hear how we can improve our health and nutrition. If the trainer is doing their job properly, he or she should give you positive input on how you can make 2020 a more healthful year. You can choose to act on the recommendation or not. At least you have gained insight into how you can move forward.
- Include others in either conversation or group activity: Group walking or a group exercise class once or twice a week can provide some great time to interact with friends and get some awesome exercise at the same time!
- Gain a better understanding of what fitness goals you want for 2020: Forget resolutions. You have the insight and have carefully considered where you are and what you may want to achieve in the year ahead.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving holiday and a great start to the holiday season. Give yourself this valuable gift in advance!
Copyright The Gayly. 11/26/2019 @ 8:47 p.m. CST.