March 2018 horoscopes & astrology highlights

Astrology Highlights:
March 1st - Full moon in Virgo.
March 6th - Mercury and Venus move into the sign of Aries.
March 8th - Jupiter goes retrograde.
March 11th - Daylight saving time begins at 2 am.
March 17th - New moon in Pisces. Mars moves into the sign of Capricorn.
March 20th - The sun enters Aries. The spring equinox happens!
March 22nd - Mercury goes retrograde.
March 31st - Full moon in Libra. Venus enters the sign of Taurus.
Happy birthday Pisces and Aries!!!
Aries: Forward movement continues for you this month. Your passion is leading you to make bold decisions. My advice to you this month is to seek the counsel of those you trust and consider wise. This person or persons will guide you in making the best decision. You can trust what they have to offer is right for you and will propel you onward.
Taurus: There may be a feeling of wanting to secure yourself and your resources this month. Discipline is here for you. Rest assured though, enjoying others company and the little luxuries in life will be a theme this month. Others are flocking to you. You will be radiating beautiful energy. Let in those fortunate connections.
Gemini: Are you experiencing some doubt with those around you? You are wise to step aside to survey what’s going on. Many of you will be seeing past relationships come back to you, or some emotionally satisfying conclusion. If you have been waiting on confirmation from someone, you will be getting it this month. The other person’s intentions will be made clear.
Cancer: You are on the right path to achieving your goals and dreams. Your skills and hard work are standing out this month. Some very real and practical results will be developing. Emotionally you will be feeling hopeful and rich. Others will feel your vibrational shine and will commend you for it.
Leo: The theme of harmonious partnership and love carry over for you this month. For those of you single, you could be meeting your soul mate. For those of you coupled, a beautiful state of balance can deepen your relationship. Relationships are coming in fast that will surprise and support you. You are divinely matched this month.
Virgo: Messages from your subconscious mind are being brought to light this month in a big way. What you learn in March will be so valuable to your state of being. Take some time to self-reflect especially in the first week of the month. Plant intentions. Your overall sense of self is growing strong. Light follows you throughout the month.
Libra: Divine inspiration transpires for you. Your imagination and feelings are being positively set on fire! Someone is bringing fun, passion and love into your life. There is romance for you in March. Let your guard down because it is true. You’ll also be very spiritually connected. Let the universe give you all of this.
Scorpio: Do it for you Scorpio. Pay no attention to the harsh opinions of others this month. You will be provoked to react in a confrontational way. A choice will need to be made. The universe is encouraging you to be steady. Being steady and not overreacting will set you up for emotional fulfillment. Keep your eyes on the big picture!
Sagittarius: A happy and colorful energy surrounds you this month. You are being invited to be romantic or receive romance. Share those intimate feelings this month. It will do you wonders. Many doors will open. A new career path or adventure is calling several of you. You will be asked to leave some things behind because you can’t do it all, Sag.
Capricorn: An air of power and confidence is radiating around many of you this month. You can give an order or make a request and see it done. Others around you will want to help. The universe is giving you strong motivation that will allow you to accomplish things fast. You can trust this pace. Tap into that inner leader and watch things unfold.
Aquarius: Secrets will be brought to your attention about some people around you. You will be faced with some dishonesty this month, but you have the high ground. The negativity that needs weeding out will be obvious. Once the weeds are out, you will feel light and free. A new cycle will just flip for you, and it's exciting.
Pisces: True and devout partnership is showing up for you this month. If you are coupled, many of you might be inspired to expand your family. March is a good month to grow, expand, and secure your future. Financial abundance is here for you as well. Enjoy life’s pleasures. Let yourself feel the joy in the relationships around you. You will be feeling grateful.
The Gayly. March 1. 2018. 9:53 a.m. CST.