Musical comedy “Pageant” brings unique beauty contest to the OKC Plaza

Christopher Sieker as Miss Bible Belt in "Pageant." Photo by KO Rinearson.

(Oklahoma City) Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma will open its much-anticipated 2015 season with six unique contestants vying for Miss Glamouresse in Pageant, a musical comedy beauty contest. Opening at Lyric’s Plaza Theatre January 28 and running through February 15, Pageant’s contestants experience the thrill of success and the agony of defeat every night as each audience chooses their own winner. After successful runs of this show in 2004 and 2006, Lyric is excited to bring this crowd pleaser back to Oklahoma City.

Pageant is a side-splitting night at the theatre, perfect for the post-holiday blues,” said Michael Baron, Lyric’s artistic director. “These talented and hopeful ‘ladies’ want nothing more than to bring home the title, and will stop at nothing to get it. Watching the contestants find out who wins and who loses alongside the audience makes for a hilarious and charming evening of theatre.”

“Lyric’s productions of Pageant in 2004 and 2006 were extremely successful and audience favorites,” said Ashley Wells, Pageant’s director and Lyric’s associate artistic director. “Pageant is the most unique musical I’ve had the chance to direct, and I can’t wait to watch these gentlemen squeeze into high heels and gowns to bring these beauty queens to life!”

Both season tickets for 2015, and single tickets, are now on sale. To buy tickets, visit Lyric’s box office at 1727 NW 16th Street, call (405) 524-9312, or visit The Plaza Theatre is located at 1725 NW 16th Street.

The Gayly – January 7, 2015 @ 11:30am