Nashville prayer rally: 'Vote for the lesser of 2 heathens'

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Evangelist Franklin Graham told a crowd of thousands at the Tennessee Capitol on Tuesday to pray for the country and vote for candidates that stand for biblical principles.
"I'm going to say something that's going to make some people angry," Graham said. "I have zero hope in the Republican party. I have zero hope in the Democratic party.
"The only hope for the United States of America is almighty God."
Graham told reporters after the rally that he has been a Republican most of his life but left the party last year because he was fed up with it.
During the rally he said politicians are too concerned with being politically correct. Asked later about the veto of a Tennessee bill that would have made the Bible the state book, Graham said he was not surprised.
"I see how weak politicians are," he said. "Isn't it interesting they are scared of the Bible?"
The prayer rally Tuesday was part of a national tour Graham said he is undertaking because he believes the country is in trouble "spiritually, racially, economically, and politically." Churches from around the state bused groups to the Capitol for the event.
During the rally, Graham asked the crowd to hold hands and confess the nation's sins, which he said included abortion, the legalization of same-sex marriage, worship of materialism and racism. Several people cried as they voiced their prayers — some silently, some out loud — for all the problems they see in the country today.
Despite his criticisms of politicians and the political system, Graham said it was still important to vote.
"You may have to go to the polls and hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two heathens," he said.
Graham also asked those assembled to consider running for public office themselves, saying the founding fathers never intended to take God out of government.
"We are citizens of the United States of America and we have every right to be involved in politics," he told them.
TRAVIS LOLLER, Associated Press. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press.
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The Gayly - 5/3/2016 @ 3:55 p.m. CDT