5th state calls for a national amendments convention to reverse Citizens United, restore free and fair elections
Los Angeles, CA – Rhode Island became the 5th state to call for a national amendments convention under Article V of the US Constitution to fix Citizens United in order to restore free and fair elections. State legislatures in Vermont, California, Illinois, and New Jersey have previously passed similar resolutions calling for an amendments convention on the issue of electoral reform and getting money out of politics.
"Elections should be free of the corrupting influence of excessive spending by outside interests and fair enough that any citizen can run for public office," said Cenk Uygur, Host of the The Young Turks and Founder of Wolf-PAC, "That is not the case as it stands today, so we need a 28th amendment to the US Constitution restoring free and fair elections. Democracy should be about who's got the best ideas, not who's got the biggest bank account."
The US Constitution permits two ways to propose amendments under Article V: 2/3 of the Congress may vote to propose an amendment or 2/3 of the states may demand an amendments convention to propose an amendment. Either way it's proposed, it must be ratified by 75 percent of the states prior to being included as an official amendment.
"9-out-of-10 Americans want to reduce the influence of corruption in elections, where the guy with the most money wins over 95 percent of the time," said Ryan Clayton, Executive Director of Wolf-PAC, "A unanimous final vote in this 5th state, across partisan and ideological lines, proves that this is not a left or right issue – this is an American issue."
The infamous Citizens United v FEC decision by the US Supreme Court unleashed a toxic influx of campaign cash and corruption into our electoral system. Populist anger at a inactive Congress is reaching a boiling point on this issue, because the federal government has done nothing to fix the problem of money in politics.
"Asking Congress to fix Congress is like asking cancer to cure cancer. Congress couldn't even pass something as simple and decent as the DISCLOSE Act in response to Citizens United, so we're not waiting on them to propose an amendment," said Uygur, "Thankfully, there is another, better way – we can go through the states and get an amendment, whether Congress likes it or not."
"Americans of all political stripes are mad as hell and we're demanding the restoration of our essential American birthright: free and fair elections," said Clayton, "Even if democracy is dead at the federal level, the beating heart of democracy is still alive in the states."
Wolf PAC has organized thousands of volunteers throughout the country, which is promoted regularly on the world's largest online news show, The Young Turks. Focusing on state legislators, who listen, instead of federal lawmakers, who don't, has been the key to Wolf PAC's rapid and growing success.
"This is history in the making! Every generation of Americans has amended the US Constitution, except ours," said Wolf PAC Rhode Island State Leader Josh Aces, "We are the people who are going to add the next newest amendment to the US Constitution, and our state legislators are the future founding fathers and mothers of a more perfect union."
To learn more about Wolf PAC visit www.wolf-pac.com
To learn more about The Young Turks visit www.tytnetwork.com
The Gayly - 6/20/2016 @ 10:23 a.m. CDT